After the launch comes the selling

So, my book of memoir in verse (or not) is launched, with photographs taken and words spoken. Many thanks to the photographer and the various speakers on the day. Lovely words were said, and photographs snapped, and then we all trailed back to our own homes.

I sold a goodly number of books at my book launch last week, and I’m happy about that – the sharing of my words, after all, was the main reason for writing them and publishing them. I have a way to go still though, with the selling – I have some books in my house, some in my car and some in my back which comes with me wherever potential book buyers may be…

This is the role of the author who chooses to self-publish. I knew it would come to this, and I welcome this opportunity to get out and about, talking about my chronic illness. The more I talk to other people, the more the correct word about what multiple sclerosis is all about is spread out in the broader community.

1 thought on “After the launch comes the selling

  1. carolyncordon Post author

    I’ve written a relevant post on another of my blogs. I’ll put the link here, and one day the medical experts may find a cure for what I and other suffers label ‘Cog Fog’. When that happens, I may begin to always posting things to the correct blog. Too many blogs, to many missing links…

    Book Sale news



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