Monthly Archives: January 2020

Missing Exercises Is OK

All right, so I haven’t been doing all of my exercises every day, it’s true. But today I certainly did them all again, and it feels good, for sure. But on the days I may have missed doing one or so of these exercises, I was at least doing something.

Not everything I do is based on being physically active, not by a long way. Up until I was recovering from breaking my ankle, the idea of doing physio at home, as well as doing thirty minutes of Wii Fit exercises, every day, was definitly not happening.

But that ankle break, that was a thing, an important thing, and I really want to be able to keep mobile for all of te years I have left here. I hope that is a good many more years, I’m kind of hoping to live until I’m well into my nineties, and I’m currently 56 years old. I have lots of things I still want to get done.

So being fit is obviously high on my list of things to do, fit and healthy are definitley the ways to go, if I want to live another forty years! And at the moment I reckon, yeah, that’s what I want to do. Exercise for my body, and exercise for my brain, these are both what help me to keep on going well in life.

I’m active in my community, I keep connected with my family, to some extent at least, and I’m trying to read more books. I’m a bit slack at the book reading thing, but at least I’m working on it, as in I currently have library books I borrowed recently, and I will read them all, or at least look at them and decide whether or not to read them …

As a writer of books, I really should read more of them, I suspect. I think my brain is distracted too easily, to put the time into a book, when social media is so there, always there, and so easy to flit around, from Facebook, to Twitter, to other blogs, and to my own blogs … But books are how I learned to read, and they’re the things I love to bring into this world for others to read, so I’ll read more, for sure!

But back to the exercises thing. Yes, it was five days, apparently since I’d been on the Wii Fit exercise machine, but I did it, thirty minutes of it, as well as doing the physio exercises the physiotherapist gave to me, and the one of my own I’d decided to do. It feels good to get them all done. Sure I get tired when I do them, but I know the more I do them, the easier it will get.

Then I’ll do more difficult exercises, harder workouts, getting stronger, and more flexible (I hope) all the time. I don’t have to end up with a taut and trim body, but I want the body I need to easily and effectively do all of the things I want to do. This exercise program, and more walking, will all help me get to that point, and stay there.

So missing exercises is OK, but doing them is better, the more I do, the easier it gets, and eventually it will be an ingrained habit, and the day will feel wrong if I doing exercise. Some days, I almost feel like I’m at that point, but n, I’m not, not yet.

If you have an exercise program that you stick to, or try to, I’d love to hear about what it is, and what tips you have for sticking to your exercise program! Leave a comment, and we can all exercise more!

Exercising My Way to Wellness!

OK, so exercise is not going to cure me of Multiple Sclerosis, I acknowledge the truth of that. But keeping active, as well as taking the medication that seems to be working well for me, they can both help me to live a near ‘normal’ life.

I’ve recently broken my ankle, and getting over that has  been an interesting time. I was told by the surgeon who operated on my ankle, to do some simple physio exercises, to work on improving the ROM (range of movement) of my broken ankle. These exercises seem to have worked, and the ROM is OK – certainly not as good as the other ankle, but not too bad.

I wrote some poetry about my broken ankle, as a way to maintain some kind of sanity, as I spent so many hours, resting, and then rehabilitating! The poetry has now been published in a little chap book, I called “Angles on Ankles”, clever, hey? 😉


Then once I was up on my feet again, putting full weight on my right foot again, I saw a physio, and he gave me some more exercises, standing up and doing active things, not just twiddling my foot … So today, I’m proud to say I’ve been doing these physio exercises, plus some more that I gave to myself to do, and I’ve kept that up for over a fortnight.

My intention is to continue with these exercises, for as long as I can, maybe doing these or at least some kind of exercise, every day, for the rest of my life! I’m trying to make it a habit, and the only way to make habits, is to consistently keeping on doing things.

I’m feeling good, remembering to rest when I need to, but trying not to just laze around, flicking from one Social Media platform to another! The exercise works my body, and it keeps my brain ticking over too, I feel. Ideas are jumping into my head, and I’m working on two novel projects at the moment.


I have the first draft of one novel that needs work, and I have a whole series of Cozy Murder Mysteries to write too, I can do this, my toning up body and my interested mind want this to work, so it will work! I’m feeling good, and even though I’m sad about the terrible fires happening around Australia at the moment, I’m glad I have positive things happening, personally.

Being sad is a natural thing, wanting to help is natural too, and I know I will be helping out financially as soon as I can. Giving to people in so much need, and those who’ve lost their homes are, that is the good thing to do, so that’s what I’ll do. Doing good for myself, for others, and for the planet are my tactics to work on total Wellness!

Since becoming a Stoic, or trying to, anyway, this idea of doing good for all, myself included, is feeling more and more important to me. Doing more with less, thinking of others, helping when I can, these are all tools in my Stoic toolbox. Life is good, as long as we work on making it good.

If you do good, well done, I’d love to here about it, why not leave a message here? I’d love to read it!