Category Archives: fashion

Many Ways to Feel Good!

Not everything in my life is focussed on my chronic illness, Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In fact, not much in my life is directly connected with MS. Most of the important things in my life are connected to my family and creative writing. MS has affected my life in many ways, but I’m still going well with my life, doing a variety of things that interest me.

So, with that in mind, I will talk about something that has only a little bit to do with MS. This thing is fashion. I certainly don’t claim to be a fashion expert, but I do claim to know what colours suit me. And I know that when I’m wearing those colours, I look better and I feel better. The clothes I wear are almost always comfortable, and casual – I’m a comfortable and comfortable kind of person!

I recently went on a bus tour a friend of mine organised. We toured around part of the greater Adelaide area, visiting eight Op Shops (Opportunity Shops). It took all day, and we had lunch as well as the shops. Lots and lots of fun, and I came home with a lovely array of new clothes, that I know would fit in well with my other clothes.

And how did I know this? I knew this because they all matched mt ‘look’! I found my ‘look’ when a dear friend told me about the joys of knowing what your colour season was, or thinking about it, that dear friend may have actually been a book I borrowed from the library. Hmm, yes that’s right. Well, books can certainly be dear friends! Payneham library, many, many years ago.

My colour range is the autumn colours – I know that if I’m wearing these colours, I look good – and If a person knows they look good, it makes them look even better! So now, I only buy clothes in those colours, so everything matches everything else.

So, do you know what season you are? The link here can help you work out what your season is, and so what your ‘palette of colours’ includes. Take a look and see what you think. I’d love to know what other people think about this idea!