Fun-d-raising! On helping To Raise Funds For The MS Society

This is me, wearing Red for a Reason, and the Reason is Multiple Sclerosis

Fundraising is fun, and I’m glad to be helping to raise funds for the MS Society SA & NT. I don’t expect to raise huge amounts of money, but so far I’ve raised some, and I will continue with this fundraising for all of May, at two venues I regularly attend.

Today I was at the venue I am the Writer in Residence for, and I had my collecting tin, and badge and receipts books too, if anyone donating needed proof, to claim tax deduction for. And I was wearing one of my socks with red on it, as well as the scarf, which, as you can see, also has red too!

I talked a little about MS, to someone there, and even though I didn’t raise any money this time, I may do so the next time I am there. And Thursday I’ll be at the other venue I am at every Thursday, the Prince Albert Hotel in Gawler, and I intend arriving early, as I did last week, to try to fundraise again.

Being there, and doing my best to get more money to give to the MS Society feels like a good way to give back to this organisation that has helped me, with my MS journey. Being able to do something to help feels good, and it is good!

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