Another Day, Another Weigh In …

So today I switched on the Wii Fit machine again, to face the truth about how I’ve been going with my exercises and my weight. Now, I don’t actually weigh that much really, I wouldn’t want to lose more than about five and a half kilograms. I just want to be comfortably close to the middle of Wii Fit’s “Ideal” weight range …


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The machine welcomed me back and told me I’d been away for six days … Oh well, such is life, when you have things to do … I do acknowledge that my health depends on many different things, living a life I enjoy is one of those things, and that is what I’d been doing for those six days. I’d also been lazing around more than I’d like, and obviously more than the machine likes.

That said, the weigh in was a good result. Not the end result I’m aiming for, but a reasonable result, considering my lack of exercises. I had lost 300 grams since six days ago, which is far better than putting that weight on! I will try to continue with the Wii Fit exercises, and with luck will meet and in fact beat my target weight which I had set six days ago (or possibly earlier than that). I think I should be able to manage that weight loss, especially with more exercise.

Of course the other side of the weight loss deal is how many calories one takes in. I think that had been the answer for those 300 grams I’ve lost. I’ve been more mindful about my food intake, and that is a good thing. I try to be aware of my actual hunger level, and was actually talking to someone earlier about that. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger, very often. It is a good idea to have a good drink of water before eating, especially if you’re feeling ‘hungry’ when it isn’t actually a normal meal time.

So. Knowing these things and doing them can be two very different things, but putting the word out to other people, as I’m doing here, with this blog post, is one way of getting others behind me, to keep me honest and doing what I say I’m trying to do.

Having MS isn’t directly related to weight, but being as fit, balanced and committed as I can all help me to keep both my physical and my mental balance, and with MS, keeping well balanced can be a daily challenge – I have had so many trips and falls just before and in the seven years since my diafilename - Copygnosis with Multiple Sclerosis – the ground and I are quite well acquainted, and I don’t like that, not at all!

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